Publication - The MCM Laboratory


- Buffington SA, Dooling SW, Sgritta M, Noecker C, Murillo OD, Felice DF, Turnbaugh PJ, Costa-Mattioli M. Dissecting the contribution of host genetics and the microbiome in complex behaviors Cell. 2021 March 10 DOI:


- Costa-Mattioli M, Walter P. The integrated stress response: From mechanism to disease. Science. 2020 Apr 24;368(6489):eaat5314.


- Zhu PJ, Khatiwada S, Cui Y, Reineke LC, Dooling SW, Kim JJ, Li W, Walter P, Costa-Mattioli M. Activation of the ISR mediates the behavioral and neurophysiological abnormalities in Down syndrome. Science. 2019 Nov 15;366(6467):843-849.

- Chen CJ, Sgritta M, Mays J, Zhou H, Lucero R, Park J, Wang IC, Park JH, Kaipparettu BA, Stoica L, Jafar-Nejad P, Rigo F, Chin J, Noebels JL, Costa-Mattioli M. Therapeutic inhibition of mTORC2 rescues the behavioral and neurophysiological abnormalities associated with Pten-deficiency. Nat Med. 2019 Oct 21; Online, Epub ahead of print.

- Johnson JL, Stoica L, Liu Y, Zhu PJ, Bhattacharya A, Buffington SA, Huq R, Eissa NT, Larsson O, Porse BT, Domingo D, Nawaz U, Carroll R, Jolly L, Scerri TS, Kim HG, Brignell A, Coleman MJ, Braden R, Kini U, Jackson V, Anne Baxter, Bahlo M, Scheffer IE, Amor DJ, Hildebrand MS, Bonnen PE, Beeton C, Gecz J, Morgan AT, Costa-Mattioli M. Inhibition of Upf2-Dependent Nonsense-Mediated Decay Leads to Behavioral and Neurophysiological Abnormalities by Activating the Immune Response. Neuron. 2019 Oct 1; Online, Epub ahead of print.

- Wu Y, Du S, Johnson JL, Tung HY, Landers CT, Liu Y, Seman BG, Wheeler RT, Costa-Mattioli M, Kheradmand F, Zheng H, Corry DB. Microglia and amyloid precursor protein coordinate control of transient Candida cerebritis with memory deficits. Nat Commun. 2019 Jan 4;10(1):58.

- Sgritta M, Dooling SW, Buffington SA, Momin EN, Francis MB, Britton RA, Costa-Mattioli M. Mechanisms Underlying Microbial-Mediated Changes in Social Behavior in Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neuron. 2019 Jan 16;101(2):246-259.e6.



- Sossin WS, Costa-Mattioli M. Translational Control in the Brain in Health and Disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2018 Aug 6.

- Dooling SW, Costa-Mattioli M. Gut Bacteria Seize Control of the Brain to Prevent Epilepsy. Cell Host Microbe.2018 Jul 11;24(1):3-5.

- Martínez G, Khatiwada S, Costa-Mattioli M, Hetz C. ER Proteostasis Control of Neuronal Physiology and Synaptic Function. Trends Neurosci. 2018 Sep;41(9): 610-624.

- Batista G, Johnson JL, Dominguez E, Costa-Mattioli M, Pena JL. Regulation of filial imprinting and structural plasticity by mTORC1 in newborn chickensSci Rep. 2018 May 23;8(1):8044.

- Zhu PJ, Chen CJ, Mays J, Stoica L, Costa-Mattioli M. mTORC2, but not mTORC1,is required for hippocampal mGluR-LTD and associated behaviors. Nat Neurosci. 2018 Jun;21(6):799-802.

- Broussard JI, Acion L, De Jesús-Cortés H, Yin T, Britt JK, Salas R, Costa-Mattioli M, Robertson C, Pieper AA, Arciniegas DB, Jorge R. Repeated mild traumatic brain injury produces neuroinflammation, anxiety-like behaviour and impaired spatial memory in mice. Brain Inj. 2018;32(1):113-122.


- Mulherkar S, Firozi K, Huang W, Uddin MD, Grill RJ, Costa-Mattioli M, Robertson C, Tolias KF. RhoA-ROCK Inhibition Reverses Synaptic Remodeling and Motor and Cognitive Deficits Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury. Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 6;7(1):10689.

- Chou A, Krukowski K, Jopson T, Zhu PJ, Costa-Mattioli M, Walter P, Rosi S. Inhibition of the integrated stress response reverses cognitive deficits after traumatic brain injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Aug 1;114(31):E6420-E6426.

- Biever A, Boubaker-Vitre J, Cutando L, Gracia-Rubio I, Costa-Mattioli M, Puighermanal E, Valjent E. Repeated Exposure to D-Amphetamine Decreases Global Protein Synthesis and Regulates the Translation of a Subset of mRNAs in the Striatum. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017 Jan 10;9:165.

- Batista G, Johnson JL, Dominguez E, Costa-Mattioli M, Pena JL. Translational control of auditory imprinting and structural plasticity by eIF2α. Elife. 2016 Dec 23;5. pii: e17197.


- Placzek AN, Prisco GV, Khatiwada S, Sgritta M, Huang W, Krnjević K, Kaufman RJ, Dani JA, Walter P, Costa-Mattioli M. eIF2α-mediated translational control regulates the persistence of cocaine-induced LTP in midbrain dopamine neurons. Elife. 2016 Dec 13;5. pii: e17517.

- Buffington SA, Di Prisco GV, Auchtung TA, Ajami NJ, Petrosino JF, Costa-Mattioli M. Microbial Reconstitution Reverses Maternal Diet-Induced Social and Synaptic Deficits in Offspring. Cell. 2016 Jun 16;165(7):1762-1775.

- Huang W, Placzek AN, Viana Di Prisco G, Khatiwada S, Sidrauski C, Krnjević K, Walter P, Dani JA, Costa-Mattioli M. Translational control by eIF2αphosphorylation regulates vulnerability to the synaptic and behavioral effects of cocaine. Elife. 2016 Mar 1;5. pii: e12052.

- Placzek AN, Molfese DL, Khatiwada S, Viana Di Prisco G, Huang W, Sidrauski C, Krnjević K, Amos CL, Ray R, Dani JA, Walter P, Salas R, Costa-Mattioli M. Translational control of nicotine-evoked synaptic potentiation in mice and neuronal responses in human smokers by eIF2α. Elife. 2016 Mar 1;5. pii: e12056.


- Johnson JL, Huang W, Roman G, Costa-Mattioli M. TORC2: a novel target for treating age-associated memory impairment. Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 22;5:15193.

- Huber KM, Klann E, Costa-Mattioli M, Zukin RS. Dysregulation of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling in Mouse Models of Autism. J Neurosci. 2015 Oct 14;35(41):13836-42.

- Pitcher MR, Herrera JA, Buffington SA, Kochukov MY, Merritt JK, Fisher AR, Schanen NC, Costa-Mattioli M, Neul JL. Rett syndrome like phenotypes in the R255X Mecp2 mutant mouse are rescued by MECP2 transgene. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 May 1;24(9):2662-72.


- Costa-Mattioli M. ERKquake in Noonan syndrome: one step closer to personalized medicine. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Dec;17(12):1627-9.

- Buffington SA, Huang W, Costa-Mattioli M. Translational control in synaptic plasticity and cognitive dysfunction. Annu Rev Neurosci. 2014;37:17-38.

- Di Prisco GV, Huang W, Buffington SA, Hsu CC, Bonnen PE, Placzek AN, Sidrauski C, Krnjević K, Kaufman RJ, Walter P, Costa-Mattioli M. Translational control of mGluR-dependent long-term depression and object-place learning by eIF2α. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Aug;17(8):1073-82.

- Meng L, Person RE, Huang W, Zhu PJ, Costa-Mattioli M, Beaudet AL. Truncation of Ube3a-ATS unsilences paternal Ube3a and ameliorates behavioral defects in the Angelman syndrome mouse model. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(12):e1004039.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Monteggia LM. mTOR complexes in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Nat Neurosci. 2013 Nov;16(11):1537-43.

- Thomas A, Lee PJ, Dalton JE, Nomie KJ, Stoica L, Costa-Mattioli M, Chang P, Nuzhdin S, Arbeitman MN, Dierick HA. Correction: A Versatile Method for Cell-Specific Profiling of Translated mRNAs in Drosophila. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 24;8(7).

- Huang W, Zhu PJ, Zhang S, Zhou H, Stoica L, Galiano M, Krnjević K, Roman G, Costa-Mattioli M. mTORC2 controls actin polymerization required for consolidation of long-term memory. Nat Neurosci. 2013 Apr;16(4):441-8.


- Thomas A, Lee PJ, Dalton JE, Nomie KJ, Stoica L, Costa-Mattioli M, Chang P, Nuzhdin S, Arbeitman MN, Dierick HA. A versatile method for cell-specific profiling of translated mRNAs in Drosophila. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40276.

- Herdy B, Jaramillo M, Svitkin YV, Rosenfeld AB, Kobayashi M, Walsh D, Alain T, Sean P, Robichaud N, Topisirovic I, Furic L, Dowling RJO, Sylvestre A, Rong L, Colina R, Costa-Mattioli M, Fritz JH, Olivier M, Brown E, Mohr I, Sonenberg N. Translational control of the activation of transcription factor NF-κB and production of type I interferon by phosphorylation of the translation factor eIF4E. Nat Immunol. 2012 Apr 29;13(6):543-550.


- Zhu PJ, Huang W, Kalikulov D, Yoo JW, Placzek AN, Stoica L, Zhou H, Bell JC, Friedlander MJ, Krnjević K, Noebels JL, Costa-Mattioli M. Suppression of PKR promotes network excitability and enhanced cognition by interferon-γ-mediated disinhibition. Cell. 2011 Dec 9;147(6):1384-96.

- Jaramillo M, Gomez MA, Larsson O, Shio MT, Topisirovic I, Contreras I, Luxenburg R, Rosenfeld A, Colina R, McMaster RW, Olivier M, Costa-Mattioli M, Sonenberg N. Leishmania repression of host translation through mTOR cleavage is required for parasite survival and infection. Cell Host Microbe. 2011 Apr 21;9(4):331-41.

- Stoica L, Zhu PJ, Huang W, Zhou H, Kozma SC, Costa-Mattioli M. Selective pharmacogenetic inhibition of mammalian target of Rapamycin complex I (mTORC1) blocks long-term synaptic plasticity and memory storage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 1;108(9):3791-6.


- Gkogkas C, Sonenberg N, Costa-Mattioli M. Translational control mechanisms in long-lasting synaptic plasticity and memory. J Biol Chem. 2010 Oct 15;285(42):31913-7.

- Bidinosti M, Ran I, Sanchez-Carbente MR, Martineau Y, Gingras AC, Gkogkas C, Raught B, Bramham CR, Sossin WS, Costa-Mattioli M, DesGroseillers L, Lacaille JC, Sonenberg N. Postnatal deamidation of 4E-BP2 in brain enhances its association with raptor and alters kinetics of excitatory synaptic transmission. Mol Cell. 2010 Mar 26;37(6):797-808.

- Alain T, Lun X, Martineau Y, Sean P, Pulendran B, Petroulakis E, Zemp FJ, Lemay CG, Roy D, Bell JC, Thomas G, Kozma SC, Forsyth PA, Costa-Mattioli M, Sonenberg N. Vesicular stomatitis virus oncolysis is potentiated by impairing mTORC1-dependent type I IFN production. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jan 26;107(4):1576-81.


- Petroulakis E, Parsyan A, Dowling RJ, LeBacquer O, Martineau Y, Bidinosti M, Larsson O, Alain T, Rong L, Mamane Y, Paquet M, Furic L, Topisirovic I, Shahbazian D, Livingstone M, Costa-Mattioli M, Teodoro JG, Sonenberg N. p53-dependent translational control of senescence and transformation via 4E-BPs. Cancer Cell.2009 Nov 6;16(5):439-46.

- Patel PH, Costa-Mattioli M, Schulze KL, Bellen HJ. The Drosophila deoxyhypusine hydroxylase homologue nero and its target eIF5A are required for cell growth and the regulation of autophagy. J Cell Biol. 2009 Jun 29;185(7):1181-94.

- Ran I, Laplante I, Bourgeois C, Pépin J, Lacaille P, Costa-Mattioli M, Pelletier J, Sonenberg N, Lacaille JC. Persistent transcription- and translation-dependent long-term potentiation induced by mGluR1 in hippocampal interneurons.J Neurosci. 2009 Apr 29;29(17):5605-15.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Sossin WS, Klann E, Sonenberg N. Translational control of long-lasting synaptic plasticity and memory. Neuron. 2009 Jan 15;61(1):10-26.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Sonenberg N, Richter JD. Translational regulatory mechanisms in synaptic plasticity and memory storage. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2009;90:293-311.


- Costa-Mattioli M. Eppendorf winner. Switching memories ON and OFF. Science. 2008 Nov 7;322(5903):874-5.

- Napoli I, Mercaldo V, Boyl PP, Eleuteri B, Zalfa F, De Rubeis S, Di Marino D, Mohr E, Massimi M, Falconi M, Witke W, Costa-Mattioli M, Sonenberg N, Achsel T, Bagni C. The fragile X syndrome protein represses activity-dependent translation through CYFIP1, a new 4E-BP. Cell. 2008 Sep 19;134(6):1042-54.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Sonenberg N. RAPping production of type I interferon in pDCs through mTOR. Nat Immunol. 2008 Oct;9(10):1097-9.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Bidinosti M, Dever TE. Getting the message in protein synthesis. Keystone Symposium on Translational Regulatory Mechanisms. EMBO Rep. 2008 Oct;9(10):954-9.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Sonenberg N. Translational control of gene expression: a molecular switch for memory storage.Prog Brain Res. 2008;169:81-95.

Highlights from MCM @ McGill

- Costa-Mattioli M, Gobert D, Stern E, Gamache K, Colina R, Cuello C, Sossin W, Kaufman R, Pelletier J, Rosenblum K, Krnjević K, Lacaille JC, Nader K, Sonenberg N. eIF2alpha phosphorylation bidirectionally regulates the switch from short- to long-term synaptic plasticity and memory. Cell. 2007 Apr 6;129(1):195-206.

- Costa-Mattioli M, Gobert D, Harding H, Herdy B, Azzi M, Bruno M, Bidinosti M, Ben Mamou C, Marcinkiewicz E, Yoshida M, Imataka H, Cuello AC, Seidah N, Sossin W, Lacaille JC, Ron D, Nader K, Sonenberg N. Translational control of hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory by the eIF2alpha kinase GCN2. Nature. 2005 Aug 25;436(7054):1166-73.





(for more publications, please go to pubmed)


The Costa-Mattioli Lab / Altos Labs

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Website contents curated by MCM, Yuwei Liu and Christina Myhre